Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Breaking Dawn Quote for 7/30

Okie dokie they Breaking Dawn quote for today is:

Jacob: "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"

Okay well the obvious thing most people will think is that this quote is directed at Edward. It makes sense doesn't it? I don't think it is being said to Bella when she is a vampire, that seems like a pretty heartless thing to say doesn't it? Also Jake said that he "would hamstring" any of his brothers that would try and attack Bella. So it doesn't really make sense that he would. The only thing I can think of is that it is directed at Edward. It might not be though. That seems like the twist SM would through in there. Ah well. Only about a day left then we will know won't we?

One thing this quote does show though is that Jacob definitely plays a part in Breaking Dawn and if he is threatening people it has to be a pretty big part don't you think?

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