Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Have Finished Breaking Dawn

Okie dokie. So I got Breaking Dawn August 2nd around 1 AM. I finished the fourth installment of the Twilight Saga at 1:13 AM August 3rd. Pretty good if I do say so myself! I even had time to go to the theater and watch that new Mummy movie (it was kinda crappy, DARK KNIGHT RULES!)
Anyway I'm blissfully proud of myself. That is 756 pages people! In one day! Skillllz! Ahahhaa

Okay here's the lowdown:

At first I was kind of mad and really annoyed that Bella became pregnant, but I guess I warmed up to the idea after she had the baby and was saved. I think I was mainly mad about that because I wanted them to have more of their life together with just them. You know? Not have this baby thrust upon them like that. Time to enjoy being together. I mean seriously how many 18-year-olds are ready to be moms? I guess Bella was. Sheesh. Anyway after the Renesmee was born and Bella was saved I warmed up to the kid. I didn't like how it broke her bones and the baby sort of ruined the honeymoon a tad. I like the baby (Nessie) idea now that so it's all good.

I'm happy that Bella was turned into a vampire (of course) and that she didn't have as much as a problem with the whole human scent thing.

I'm happy Bella has a power.

I'm happy that nobody died (phew)

I guess I'm okay with Jacob imprinting on Renesmee. I was a little miffed at first but I got over that when Bella lunged at him. XD. That made me feel good. It also made Jake stop calling them bloodsuckers and stuff like that which was really bugging me. He was a lot nicer to Edward and his family, which I really liked. He was always so biased and he didn't even really know them before.

I like that Bella was able to keep ties with Charlie. That she didn't have to cut him completely off.

Now for the one unhappy that I have :(

This isn't supposed to sound perverse or anything but I just wish there was a little more kissing ya know? Like Eclipse pg 186 kissage (that was pretty steamy if I do say so myself). But whatever. Psh.

I really liked the ending though. With Bella and Edward.
"Forever and forever and forever."

It was a good book overall. I liked it. Stephenie Meyer did a nice job of tying up a lot of loose ends. Not all ends were tied though because there is still the matter or Renee. She was sort of forgotten about. Poor woman. Other than that everything went smoothly. It was nice and I hungrily devoured it in a day. Loved it!

Sorry if I spoiled anything for you but I did say SPOILER right before. You were the one that kept reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment you left, now its my turn. :3

Renee! I totally agree with, I mean what the heck happened to her? Poor woman was so out of the loop, sheesh. You'd think Bella had forgotten about her mother.

I agree with you about Charlie, at least one of the parents was informed (somewhat).

It really was a good book, but I still prefer the first three. Can't wait for Midnight Sun!! xD